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Bubbles Classwork


for this assignment you go to file then new. and you change the width 8x10 and a resolution of 200. then you add a layer, and name it sky, then you pick different shades of blue. then you add a new layer name it bubble, you make a circle with the elliptical marque tool, then you fill in the circle with a random color, then you go to fx, bevel and emboss, then you change the size and softness to your liking, and you add the inner glow. then change the fill to 0% located in your layer box. then make a new layer and name it highlight then you select the paint brush and add an accent of the bubble. then you make a group and add the bubble and the hightlight and then duplicate the group. then go online and save a picture of a fish or anything and open it up in photoshop and select it with the polygonal lasso tool, then move the selected area to your bubble composite and put it in the bubble, and then repeat that for the next bubble.



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