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Stop Motion


for this assignment we typed the title and our name for the animation and dragged it to the bottom of the screen to where you cant see it and then you make another cell and drag the name to the top at where you cant see it and then you select both cells and then hit tween, and change it to 30 cells. and if you hit play your name should appear like movie credits would at the end. and then in the layers you select your paint brush and draw mickey piece by piece and piece add another layer, then every time you want to add something to the picture you add a new layer. and for the castle I saved a picture from the web and then opened it on photoshop and put it on my animation slide and changed the opacity of the picture and then selected the paintbrush and traced it. when you're done your picture should be covering your name. to remove the picture to see your name you must select all 1-32 cells and deselect the layers so the picture won't appear there. then you save it to the web and then it turns into a gif. you should have 450 frames.

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